Summer Time Memory! (:

Hey guys! Sorry it’s been a while lol but I just realized I still owe y’all the story about my best friend surprising me and about pranking his car! His name is Dillon btw, I don’t think I ever mentioned that haha. So, here we go!

It was towards the end of the summer in August and Marcy and I had planned a sleep over. Well, Marcy decided to do some planning on her own to get Dillon over as well, I was unaware. Well, the morning this was all supposed to happen she called me and told me the whole plan because Dillon wasn’t able to make it after all. So of course I was really bummed! I really wanted to spend some time with my best friend. But I was lk half asleep when she called so I was lk ehh whatever, and went back to sleep. I woke up at around noon and I honestly thought the convo about Dillon not being able to make it was a dream! So I texted Marcy and asked her and she was lk no that was real. So I was sooo bummed and I told her that all I needed was a best friend hug and to see him and I’d be happy. Later on she called me to tell me she had to go to walmart after I picked her up, I found this kind of odd that she called just to say that, so I got a little suspicious, but just let it go. So it was around 5 when I left to get Marcy, cause I had to get her after practice at 6 at the high school. So on my way to pick her up, I get a phone call. From who you ask? Yep, Mr. Dillon lol. The convo went a little lk this: (dashes- are me talking and asterisks* are dillon)

-What’s up?
*I just wanted to say I’m sorry I can’t make it to spend the night with y’all.
-Oh, its ohkayyy. I just miss you!
*I know!
-Where are you?
*Sitting in my car at home.
-Why are you in your car?
*I just got off work so I barely pulled up in my driveway.
-Ohhh ok. I wish you could come. I miss you so much its ridiculous!
*I’m sorry!
-Well I’m not mad at you or anything.
*Oh so you’re mad at me!?
*Oh.. ok good.
-Yeah I was saying I wasn’t stupid.*Whatever. < (we always joke around all mean like this haha.)
Well if you’re at home maybe me and Marcy can go by before we go home just to say hi?
*Well idk when I’m leaving, but I’ll let you know.
-Oh yeah.. okay.
*I’m sorry. Hey I got to go I’ll talk to you later.
-Okay, bye dillon love you!
*Love you too.

So then I hung up the phone and kept driving and I got to the school. I called Marcy about 3x to tell her I was there and she didn’t answer so I just sat in my car and waited. Few minutes pass and I get a text from Dillon. “I already left :/” So I called him back.

-You already left to go out of town?
-Well… Come by the school to see me!
*I can’t I’m with my parents and my little brother.
-Hawww okay nevermind.
*I’m sorry.
-It’s cool.
*Hey are you in your car?
-Yeah, why?
*Oooo, driving around in your new car, newly licensed, you’re fancy!
-Yeah, I am!
*Well, you know what I did? Drank a margarita with my pinky out and everything.
-Ohhh, your cool!
*Yeah, I am.
*Shutup. Hey my dad’s tellin me I need to get off the phone.
-I feel like your dad doesn’t like me..
*No he likes you!
-Okay, tell him and your mom I said hi!
*They say hi, and my brother is just giving this blank stare.
*Ight, well I got to go, I’ll talk to you later.
-Ight, yeah I’ll probably text you later, and we’ll blow up your phone and call you tonight.
*Ugh, okay!

So I hang up and about 2 minutes later Marcy is at my car door. She chunks her bags in the back and gets in the front seat. So I told her about dillon calling to apologize for not coming and everything and she was all shocked cause he never does that lol. So then my phone started ringing and it was him again! At this point I’m thinking ‘what the hell this boy never calls me this much’ so I go to answer and Marcy snatches the phone out of my hands and is like “Hey its Marcy………yeah we’re going to walmart……..okay.” and then hands the phone back to me. I just gave her this look and she was lk well, go to walmart. So I put the phone on speaker and start talking to dillon while driving to walmart and he’s basically just talking nonsense, and then my phone died on us. So I go to park at walmart and Marcy and I get out of my car, and as I’m about to turn around she goes “wait! Get my purse I need it.” well it was on the passanger side floorboard so I go “here you get it.” And moved out of the way. So I turn around and in the parking space right behind us I see a familiar car. I stared at it for a second and then once I read the plate number, I knew it. It was Dillon’s car! I immediately got a smile on my face and I looked up to see my best friend getting out of his car. “heyyy!!!” he said with a big smile and I walked up to him still a little confused as he hugged me. So here’s this convo: (add in + for Marcy talking)

-what the hell?
*what? (huge smile on both our faces, well all 3 of us really lol)
-what are you doing here? Just a quick hi and bye or what?
*no! I’m going home with you to spend the night with you tonight!
-what? Wait…. Marcy! Was this planned?
+whhhaattt? Noooo……
-you guys are good! Y’all got me damn it! What happened? I though you had to go out of town?
*I did but it got postponed!
-I still can’t get over how good y’all got me!
+we did damn good!
*hell yeah we did!
-ugh, I hate y’all, but I love y’all so much!

So we all go into walmart cause Marcy needed post its for “school” *wink, wink* lol. That’s what we told dillon at least! He had no idea what was in store for him that night! We’d been planning the prank on his car for about a month! I had pics printed out and everything! Lol! So Marcy buys the post its, but she’s short a couple bucks so dillon helped her out. So we go home after that, dillon follows me in his car, and of course he has to drive like an ass behind me, trying to pass me on every passing lane lmao but he didn’t cause he didn’t know where he was going haha. So we make it home, mom and dad were surprised Dillon was there too cause he barely gets to come over. So we all go inside, come to my room, and just chit chat. Dillon went for a run as me and Marcy followed him in the gator haha. (I live on a ranch with lots of land, remember lol). After that we jus hang out outside and in the barn, playing pool, listening to music, and jus talking and laughing so much, having our usual best friend convos! So finally at almost midnight we all came inside. Dillon got in the shower, and me and Marcy took that chance to scope out his car! So we went outside and luckily it was already unlocked! So after checking it out we come inside, he gets out of the shower, then I go take a shower, and Marcy showered last. Dillon and I just watched YouTube videos until Marcy was out and the we all went into the kitchen to eat, at like 1 in the morning yes lol. So I make everyone food and after eating and talking for about an hour and a half, we go into the den to watch Pitch Perfect! It’s all 3 of ours favorite movie haha so it was more like quoting it instead of watching it haha. So as the movie comes to the end I can tell dillon is dozing off, so I go “dillon? Diillloonnnn?” And he wakes up some and I go “sweetie, go to bed, you’re gonna end up crashin out in like 10 minutes.” And he just goes, “ughh…fine, ight.. what are y’all gonna do?” And I jus say “probably just watch another movie.” He was sleeping in my sisters room that night cause she wasn’t home so it worked out perfect! So we say our goodnights and he goes to bed. Me and Marcy stay up and talk for about 45 minutes before commencing our operation haha. So its about to be 5 a.m. Marcy and I come to my room, grab all the stuff we need, and head out to his car. We each grabbed 3 packs of post its and a sharpie. She started on the driver side and I started on the passenger side. We wrote some sort of msg or note on each post it and covered every window in post its. The outside was done in about 30 minutes. Then came the really fun part! A few days before, I had printed out pics of everything he hates. For Dillon, this would be things like my fav country singers, anything related to country music, shows I love such as Teen Wolf,all the boy bands every teen girl loves (one direction, Justin beiber, etc.), every hot shirtless male celebrity I could think of, and spiders! And to lighten things up, I printed pics of me as well.(: So we sat in his car with my phone flashlight on and taped as many of these pics as we could to his windshield, console, radio, steering wheel, rear view mirror, the visors, glove box, just everywhere up front! I was nice enough to tape the picture of me and a picture that said I love you right smack dab in the middle of his steering wheel though.(: and then we had a bunch of tiny pics of me and sprinkled them all over the dash and inside the glove box! All the left over pics that didn’t get taped anywhere got thrown all over his back seat! Gah, it was GREAT! So after all this we finally finished at about 6:15 in the morning. We sneak back inside, get into bed, and stay up talking til about 7 cause of how excited we were to his reaction later haha. So I wake up at about 11:30 to a text from my mom saying “the post its are flying everywhere!” So I immediately get out of bed to go look out my window. Luckyily, most of the post its had stayed on. Marcy heard me wake up and woke up too. I told her what mom said, so we go outside to double check the post its on the car. After making sure everything was still good, we came back inside and layed down for about 20 minutes waiting for Dillon to get up, but we grew impatient quickly, and went into the room in an attmept to wake him up. We got him up at about noon. We began hinting to him about his car.

+hey have you checked your keys?
*what did y’all do? I swear if y’all drove my car!
+not exactly.
*I feel like something on my keys is missing…
+Oh its not on your keys. (Marcy backed away and walked away to wait outside at this point)
*I swear if y’all touched my car!
-Technically we didn’t…..kinda… Maybe you should just go outside to take a look at your car.. (I said this while backing away, and as soon as he started getting up, I ran outside)

Marcy and I are standing outside near his car, and about 2 minutes later he comes outside. The look on his face was just, omg! PRICELESS! It was just filled with hate, love, and disppoinment! Lol! He comes up to his car and starts at the driver side door and read every single post it all the way around the car! and all he was saying was “what the hell! Damn it guys! Really?! Ugh!” I simply told him he should be proud of my for doing something so epic! And he was proud of me.(: after he was done yelling at me haha. So he was about to walk away, but Marcy and I go “Hey wait, don’t you want to take a look on the inside?” And his face when we said this, omg it was great! He just goes “what? No… Y’all didn’t….please no.” I slowly opened the front passenger door and he looke inside. “Gah dammit you guys! Hawww! Really?! I thought my car was locked!” “nope!” we both replied in unison haha. He just have me his look he always shoots at me, and I simply smile and put my arms out for a hug lol. He hugged me, then continued looking through his car to see what we did, as Marcy and I snapped pictures of him lol! & when he found all my tiny pics, that was the best! I’m pretty sure there’s still some left in the glove box haha. We then came inside to get dressed and eat, and after we went outside to be nice and attempt to help him clean his cat up, but he refused to accept our help! Lol. So we jus watched and made him keep every single post it! And we also made him leave all the pictures on the inside of his car there until he got home.(:

The end! So I hope I didn’t bore you guys with this story! I didn’t expect it to be this long…lol. But it was the highlight of my summer and the best weekend I’ve had in a very long time! It still makes me laugh lmao! It was a great weekend and its forever going to be one of the best memories!((:

Much love! :* -MidnightMind

A Letter That He’ll Never See

I constantly find myself day dreaming about a day where we can be together and happy. A day when I can call you my boyfriend and you will want to call me your girlfriend. We’re so close already and I’ve been asked multiple times if we are talking or dating. People think we are a couple when we go places together, I know you see it too. Why can’t we just take that extra step? You say you want to find a girl who’s the perfect fit, who’s a better fit than the girl you consider your best friend? I understand that you don’t want to ruin the relationship if things don’t work out, cause neither do I, but you know me and I know you, and our relationship is too strong for anything to come between us. You know that. So why not just give me a chance. Give us a chance.  You’ve gone through so many other girls, given them chances, even second chances, why not me? Why am I so different from them? I do so much for you. I love being responsible for the smile on your face. I love the way you get that cheesy smile on your face everytime you see me. I love the way you bite at your lip without realizing you’re doing it. I love the way you stand there with your hands down on your hips, shoulders shrugged, and you tilt your head back just enough to where the light chisel in your jawline shows perfectly. I love your dark brown eyes. I love your hugs, the way you rock me back and forth, rub my back, and take a deep breath during it all. In that moment, I feel so comfortable,  and I know that in your arms is where I’m supposed to be. I feel so comfortable with you. I love you so much, and I know that you love me too, but there’s one small difference. I’m in love with you. I’m in love with you and everything about you. I wish you knew that. I wish you would give me the chance to show you. I don’t mind if we don’t even get to the boyfriend/girlfriend stage. We can just talk. Just let me show you how it would be if we were together. I once gave you the advice of “you’ll never know unless you try” about a girl. You took that advice and you used it. The next week, the two of you were talking, and I was responsible for it. Why did I do it if I’m in love with you? Because I knew if you took a chance with her, and it worked out, you’d be so happy. But it didn’t work out with her. Did it change anything between ya’ll afterwards though? No. She was still your prom date later that year as friends. What hurts me is that you aren’t willing to take that advice and apply it to us. And my question is why? You say I deserve to wake up to sweet messages every morning, but what you don’t know is that I’m waiting on you to make it happen. I shouldn’t be though. But I do. I haven’t been able to move on from you. I fell for you, one of my best friends, I fell hard, and I still haven’t been able to get able to get back up on my feet. Even after 2 years, going on 3. I still get butterflies in my stomach everytime I see you. There hasn’t been a time where I didn’t. I smile as soon as I see you, and the smile doesn’t fade one bit the entire time im with you. I see your car, or think I do, and my stomach drops thinking of the chance that it could be you. I smile at just the thought of you. You’re the only one who makes me feel this way. I still catch myself trying to get dressed up or just put make up on just to catch your eye, even though I know its pointless. I’m absolutely, 110%, head over heels, lost in love with you. I’ve tried so hard, countless times to get over you, but I can’t. Maybe I’ll get over you one day, but I know for a fact that a part of me will always be in love with you, and that scares me. So I keep the little hope that I have left, that you and I might end up together someday, and I just hope and pray. But until then, I will remain your best friend, because you and our relationship mean the world to me. I will always be here for you, and you can always count on me, no matter what. I promise. I love you, best friend, to the moon and back, always.

Shower Thoughts

Everybody knows that shower time is thinking time! Lol. So I jus got out of the shower, at 2 am yes lol and things I thought about consisted of my best friend’s reaction when I give him his birthday/going away present!  I decided to make him a scrapbook of well, us! And I had to do most of it in one weekend! I didn’t realize his birthday was as close as it was! But I finished it, all 20 pages, and decorated the cover. (: I’m very pleased with it, it came out pretty adorable! His birthday is on the first and I will hopefully give the scrapbook to him tomorrow if i get a hold of him (: cause he said he’s gonna be busy tomorrow, but we’ll see. I can’t wait to see his reaction! Last year I made him a giant birthday card, but this scrapbook tops it! Homeboy isn’t getting a present for the next couple of years haha. So by this time you may be asking yourself “what does she mean by going away?” Well, he will be leaving for the Air Force soon./: I am so proud of him for it though! He’s been talking about it for as long as I can remember, and now he’s on his way. He gets so excited about it too, he talks about it like a little kid in a candy store lol its adorable. I’m just gonna be a little lost without him, I mean, we talk just about everyday, I go by house randomly or his work just for a quick talk, im gonna miss all that so much./: and he knows I’m not ready for him to leave. He’s always the one to cheer me up when I’m down, make me laugh when I’m having a bad day, and when my other best friend moved I was pretty down, and all I heard was him in my head saying his usual words of “Don’t cry, you need to man up! You know you’ll still talk to and see her. Don’t be overdramatic.” Lol. So of course I texted him. Didn’t even have to tell him what was wrong, just had a conversaton and I already felt better. So this time, I’m not sure how I’m gonna be, cause I can’t text him if he’s the one leaving.. /: I’m kind of scared because I don’t know now I am going to react once hes gone? But, I’m just glad I still have time with him before his leave, and I’m going to cherish every minute! I hope I find a way to see him tomorrow to give him his present!! Wish me luck guys! (: